martedì 28 agosto 2012

1° US Marksman Challenge - Club de Tir du Var (France) 13/14 ottobre 2012

Le Club de Tir Police du Var nous recevra dans ses locaux les 13 et 14 octobre pour ce 1er Challenge de tir de l’AECOPSD réservé au passage des brevets de tir des forces armées des Etats-Unis.

De nombreux brevets seront donc accessibles à cette occasion. A ce titre, un Officier Américain agréé fera le déplacement pour contrôler les épreuves organisées par notre équipe.

Les formulaires d’inscriptions sont disponible dans le blog  Accès aux formulaires

sabato 11 agosto 2012


Exercise CAMBRIAN PATROL is the premier patrolling event of the British Army which is held in Wales and hosted by 160 (W) Brigade. For 2012 it will run from 19 October until 28 October. The exercise is held in Wales and is organised by HQ 160 (W) Brigade on behalf of HQ 5 Div, as directed by HQ Land in the Land Command Plan. Cambrian Patrol is arduous and concentrates on leadership, teamwork, physical fitness and achieving the mission. It also draws participants from foreign countries. The Cambrian Patrol is an exercise and not a competition. It is conducted for the benefit of units and there is no final order of merit. The exercise is designed to be within the capability of any well-led and well-trained patrol from any Arm or Service. The exercise is the same for Regular and Reserve Forces patrols. The aim of The Cambrian Patrol is to provide a challenging patrols exercise in order to develop operational capability.Units should apply using the application form which can be found in the Documents download panel on the right. Copies of the application should also be sent to the unit's Brigade or Divisional HQ. Units are welcome to bid to enter several teams, however, last minute withdrawals due to a failure to anticipat commitments or train adequately are extremely unwelcome and may prevent other units from participating. Bids are to show preference for dates/phases. The closing date for bids will be 07 September 2012 and details confirming unit acceptance, timings, comprehensive rules and preliminary joining instructions will be issued after this date. Receipts of all bids will be acknowledged. The organisers' decision on allocation will be final. Reserve Forces units are to note that they must be prepared to report between 0400 hrs (earliest) and 1030 hrs (latest) on Friday 19 October 2012 or Friday 26 October 2012. Units must adhere to these timings. Exact timings for each unit will be contained in the warning order which will be issued nearer the date of deployment. An entry fee of £60 per patrol made payable to 'HQ 160 (W) Bde Central Bank' should be enclosed with the application and is not refundable after the bid is accepted in August. Forms received without an entry fee will be returned. The entry fee for foreign teams is also £60, payable by UK cheque or by cash on arrival. (A contribution from these funds will be donated to the ABF The Soldiers' Charity if any monies are left over once all exercise expenses have been paid). Foreign units are encouraged to enter teams on The Cambrian Patrol. There is a requirement for these teams to be hosted by British units. Wherever possible allied and affiliated units should be used. However, there may be a requirement for units on the same phase as foreign teams to assist with hosting if the above arrangements cannot be met. Cambrian Patrol can be contacted on: 160 (W) Brigade Brecon, Powys, LD3 7EA Tel: 01874 613280 Mil: 94351 2280 Email:

Oct 19 – 28 2012 GMT+01:00
Wales, UK
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)

mercoledì 8 agosto 2012

4° Challenge de tir AECOPSD:- 29/30 septembre 2012 - La Tremblade (Charente-Matitime) - France -

Quarta edizione della Competizione di Tiro organizzata dall'Associazione AE-COPSD presso il poligono di tiro «La Trembladaise de tir», a La Tremblade, cittadina della costa atlantica della Francia nei pressi di Bordeaux nelle date del 29 e 30 settembre di quest'anno.

La competizione è aperta militari e forze di polizia in servizio ed in congedo dei Paesi della Nato e dell'exPatto di Varsavia e consentirà di conseguire alcuni brevetti di tiro non conseguibili in Italia come il Brevetto di Tiro Olandese (pistola), il Brevetto di Tiro Svedese (Pistola), Il Brevetto di Tiro Norvegese (Pistola e Fucile), Brevetto di Tiro AE-COPSD (Pistola).

La partecipazione alla competizione costa 50 euro a persona (munizioni e il pasto di mezzogiorno) con possibilità di reiterare i brevetti, se non soddisfatti del risultato,  acquistando le munizioni a 20 euro per il calibro 9X19 e 8 euro per il calibro 22lr: le sessioni di tiro si svolgeranno dalle 10 alle 17 del 29 settembre e dalle 10 alle 12 del 30 settembre.

La località della manifestazione non è propriamente a "due passi" dall'Italia. Ad esempio, da Firenze dove viene pubblicato questo blog, occorrono circa 1400 km. Una alternativa possibile può essere rappresentata dal viaggio in aereo sino a Bordeaux, quindi in auto sino a La Tremblade. Vi sono due compagnie aeree low cost che operano su Bordeaux: Easyjet da Milano Malpensa e Ryanair da Roma Fiumicino.

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 15 settembre e potrete trovare tutte le informazioni, in francese, per poter perfezionare l'iscrizione a questo link dossier d'inscription

Buona Gara.